Monday, December 20, 2010


Christmas is wearing this girl out!  It is a rare day indeed when Ivy falls asleep in the middle of the day {also known as taking a nap}.  We've been making our days Merry and Bright and it finally caught up with the little lady.  Our weekend was jam packed full of fun with Ams hockey, hanging with Grandma, playing in the snow and a waffle party.  And to tell the truth I'm a little beat too, so I can't blame her.  And this week is shaping up to be just as fun and exciting.  Isn't it the most wonderful time of the year?! I just wish it would slow down!


Amy A. and Timothy D. Sander said...

Love your title. My son's name is Tucker & even after 6 years, I get a kick out of saying "Tucker is all tuckered out."

(+_+)..AlOnE_GuY..(+_+) said...

I really like the picz.. the baby is chooow sweet...!

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